. .I've owned my share of Fords. I'm a Chevy man.  I was forced to use a PC when I worked for the government.  I prefer a Mac.  The PC/Windows system is a poor, clunky, clone of a Mac (IBM=I'm building a Macintosh). Computers never got more PC like.

My first analyzer was an EI.  The EI engine analyzer is a nice quality product. However, the shielded 'ungrounded' probe leads arevery cumbersome to install.  Nothing clean and elegant here. The cannon plugs which connect to the unit are also difficult to make look good. I know what you're saying, "No one will ever see it." Also, ungrounded probes use the instrument itself as a reference temperature.   Not sure I'd trust that.

JPI uses just the thermocouple wire and grounded probes.  Makes a nice, clean, simple installation.  I trust the individually grounded probes.

In 2006, I installed both an EI and a JPI, side-by-side in my Tiger and flew it for a year.  The EI displays a temp up to 80 degrees lower than the JPI. Draw your own conclusions.  My first analyzer was an EI.  Hey, I didn't know any better, OK?  My second one was a JPI.  World of difference.

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EI Unit:
EI wires (01):
EI wires (02):
Firewall side
w/ ONLY the EGT and CHT wires
This is under the panel
This is also under the panel
EI wires before being tied together
JPI Unit:
JPI Wires:
Firewall side:
Top View:

w/ CHT, EGT, Fuel Flow and GPS data wires
The yellow cable is almost all of the wiring for the JPI
This is on the outside.
Another view on the outside.