Some Firewall Forward Restorations. I stripped, primed, and painted (with Imron) my first Grumman, N9988U, in 1989. There have been many since then. |
Sadly, the firewalls on most of our planes look pretty bad. I've stripped and painted many of them. On Tigers with the stainless steel firewall, I vertically grain them to look like they should have at the facotry. Personally, I don't like the stainless steel firewall; too hard to keep clean. The first pics are old scanned pics of N9988U. Then a whole bunch of pics of our plane, N28747. It gets special treatment. If you look closely, you'll see I've filled and moved almost all of the holes. Pics of N9885U, N26130, N28819, N81078, & N4532K follow. The bottom line is: anything is possible. |