#16. N1540R:  This "Sweet 16" cowling was a challenge.  This was the first cowling to be pre-fit with fuselage mock-up. Pre-fitting to a known engine location seems to help a lot.  The weird thing I noted was that the AG5B series doesn't use the same screw spacing as the real Grummans. I also had 'Composite Dave' change the front just slightly for a better fit. Then came the paint matching. 'Mr Bill' wanted the cowling to be painted and matched to his plane. Hmm.  Have I told you that I hate painting stripes and clear?  I used the ELT cover to color match.  It's close.  It looks pretty good actually.  Not long after this Jaguar Cowling installation, we had to replace his nose gear torque tube (and clean up the floor). Then we did a new interior.  It's a pretty sharp plane. Look for it at West coast fly-ins.