The Jaguar Cowling.  Where do I begin?

Everyone should live their passion.  Mine is the Grumman-American Tiger.

I have tried a whole bunch of ideas.  Some worked, most didn't.  The default picture is a cowling based on a fairly fast kit plane.  Trust me, it doesn't work.  It was 3 knots slower than the cowling with the internal exit ramps. A NACA Augment exit ramp didn't work either. The small exhaust fairing works; longer ones don't. The nose gear fairing works; it drops CHTs up to 20 degrees. The Shark exit ramps were never flown. I decided to make one large exit ramp instead. We'll see. I am also changing the right inlet (before pic). I threw in a pic of a cup holder I designed. Not bad. But, there is an easier way.