N8571V:  Citabria ECA to GCAA conversion

I paid $3000 for this Citabria. It came as a bare frame, run-out engine, and 10 boxes of parts.

This started as a rebuild for someone else. By the time I had $10,000 worth of labor and parts invested in putting it together, he wanted to sell it.  I sold the O235 engine with 1800 hours on it for $7000.  Then, I spent $20,000 at American-Champion on new (metal spar) wings and a truck load of new parts. The new stuff included new fuselage wiring harness, new wood, new rudder peddles, new cables, new instrument panel and lotsa other stuff. 
When finished, American-Champion issued a new Data Tag with a remanufactured date of March 2001.  I sold N8571V for $85,000