Firewall Forward N9186M

. .Can you see the wiring to the ammeter shunt?  I really wanted to clean up the wiring.  The AG5B just does not lend itself to looking clean.  The instrument grounds are all out here too.  It's funky.  Click here to return to the Restoration Page

Polished Firewall:
Looking down the back:

Left Side
Right Side
I still forgot to take a before picture.  Go figure.  Lots of hours to get this far.
The new engine is a roller cam motor, blessed by Ken Tunnell at LyCon.
The engine case was "O" ringed, cylinders ported and polished, cam blue-printed.
The left side is finished.  Ready for the cowling.
Pretty engine.  And, the best part, it made 217 hp at 2700 rpm, leaned, at sea-level.