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AuCountry Aviation:

Specializing in Restoring, Modifying, Repairing, Annual and Pre-Purchase Inspections of
Grumman Tigers, Grumman Cheetahs, American General Tiger, and Tiger LLC, since 1984.

The AuCountry Avaition FaceBook Group talks about general maintenance issues; questions and answers


Various Restoration, Projects, Modifications, Supplemental Type Certificates, PMAs, improvements for easier maintenance, a cooler running engine and, of course, to go faster (the goal is 165 knots!).

The TeamGrumman FaceBook Group is a place to talk about flying, and to sell or buy a Grumman.  It's pretty quiet.


To most people, the sky is the limit. To those who love aviation, the sky is home.

Gary L Vogt, President-CEO (since 1995)
Phone: (530) 613-6488
email: AuCountry (at ) yahoo (dot) com